List and Delist

Kiosk comes with a basic trading functionality. The Kiosk Owner can list assets for sale and buyers can discover and purchase them. Listing functionality is available in Kiosk by default, and features 3 main functions:

  • kiosk::list - list an asset for sale for a fixed price
  • kiosk::delist - remove an existing listing
  • kiosk::purchase - purchase an asset that is listed for sale

Listing an asset

Kiosk Owner can list any asset asset that is stored in their Kiosk. To do so they need to call the kiosk::list function, specify the asset they're willing to put on sale, and the price they're willing to sell it for.

All listings are in SUI at the moment.

When an item is listed, a kiosk::ItemListed event is emitted. The event contains the Kiosk ID, Item ID, type of the Item and the price it was listed for.

Example Kiosk SDK

import { list } from '@mysten/kiosk';

let tx = new TransactionBlock();
let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let capArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemId = tx.pure('<ID>', 'address');
let itemType = 'ITEM_TYPE';
let price = '<price>'; // in MIST (1 SUI = 10^9 MIST)

list(tx, itemType, kioskArg, capArg, itemId, price);

Example PTB

let tx = new TransactionBlock();

let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let capArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemId = tx.pure('<ID>', 'address');
let itemType = 'ITEM_TYPE';
let priceArg = tx.pure('<price>', 'u64'); // in MIST (1 SUI = 10^9 MIST)

    target: '0x2::kiosk::list',
    arguments: [ kioskArg, capArg, itemId, priceArg ],
    typeArguments: [ itemType ]

Example CLI

sui client call \
    --package 0x2 \
    --module kiosk \
    --function list \
    --args "<KIOSK_ID>" "<CAP_ID>" "<ITEM_ID>" "<PRICE>" \
    --type-args "ITEM_TYPE" \
    --gas-budget 1000000000

Delisting an asset

Kiosk Owner can delist any currently listed asset. To delist an asset they need to call the kiosk::delist function, and specify the item they're willing to delist.

Delisting is a "negative-gas" operation, meaning that the Kiosk Owner will be refunded for the gas they spent on listing the item.

When an item is delisted, a kiosk::ItemDelisted event is emitted. The event contains the Kiosk ID, Item ID and the type of the Item.

Example Kiosk SDK

import { delist } from '@mysten/kiosk';

let tx = new TransactionBlock();
let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let capArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemId = tx.pure('<ID>', 'address');
let itemType = 'ITEM_TYPE';

delist(tx, itemType, kioskArg, capArg, itemId);

Example PTB

let tx = new TransactionBlock();
let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let capArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemId = tx.pure('<ID>', 'address');
let itemType = 'ITEM_TYPE';

    target: '0x2::kiosk::delist',
    arguments: [ kioskArg, capArg, itemId ],
    typeArguments: [ itemType ]

Example CLI

sui client call \
    --package 0x2 \
    --module kiosk \
    --function delist \
    --args "<KIOSK_ID>" "<CAP_ID>" "<ITEM_ID>" \
    --type-args "ITEM_TYPE" \
    --gas-budget 1000000000

More on the topic

A listed item can be purchased by anyone on the network, to see the purchase flow, check out the Purchase section. To learn more about asset states and what can be done with a listed item, see the Asset States section.