
The TransferPolicy does not require any action from the user by default; it confirms TransferRequests and therefore unblocks a transaction. However, if we were to implement the VAT example further and allow the VAT to collect fees for every "merchant transaction" we need to introduce "Rules".

"Receipts" in TransferRequest

TransferRequest features the receipts field which is a VecSet of TypeName. When the request is "confirmed" via the confirm_request call, the receipts are compared against the TransferPolicy.rules, and if "receipts" don't match the "rules", the request can not be confirmed, and the transaction aborts.

In the default scenario, the rules are empty and receipts are too, so the matching is trivial and the request is confirmed.

module sui::transfer_policy {
    // ... skipped ...

    struct TransferRequest<phantom T> {
        // ... other fields omitted ...

        /// Collected Receipts. Used to verify that all of the rules
        /// were followed and `TransferRequest` can be confirmed.
        receipts: VecSet<TypeName>

    // ... skipped ...

    struct TransferPolicy<phantom T> has key, store {
        // ... other fields omitted ...

        /// Set of types of attached rules - used to verify `receipts` when
        /// a `TransferRequest` is received in `confirm_request` function.
        /// Additionally provides a way to look up currently attached Rules.
        rules: VecSet<TypeName>

    // ...

Rules and Receipts

A Rule is a way to request an additional action from the user before the request can be confirmed. For example, if we want to implement a "VAT" module that would collect fees for every "merchant transaction", we need to introduce a Rule that would allow the VAT to collect fees. The way for us to know that the VAT is paid is to add a "receipt" to the TransferRequest.

A Rule added to the TransferPolicy requires a matching Receipt in the TransferRequest. The match is performed based on the Rule type.

Rule Implementation

A rule is a module that implements the "Rule" functionality in the transfer_policy module - it needs to provide 3 main components:

  1. A Rule Witness type which uniquely identifies the Rule
  2. A Config type which is stored in the TransferPolicy and is used to configure the Rule (eg a fee amount)
  3. An add function which adds the Rule to the TransferPolicy - must be performed by the TransferPolicyCap holder
  4. An actionable function which adds the receipt into the TransferRequest and potentially adds to the TransferPolicy balance if the functionality involves some monetary transaction.