
Some policies may require assets to never leave Kiosk (eg in a strong royalty enforcement scenario), and for that Kiosk has a locking mechanism.

Locking is similar to placing with an exception, that a locked asset can not be taken out of the Kiosk.

An asset can be locked in a Kiosk by calling the sui::kiosk::lock function. To make sure that the asset can be eventually unlocked, the call requires a TransferPolicy to exist.

Lock an asset in a Kiosk

Similar to place, lock call requires the KioskOwnerCap and the Item as arguments, but also requires the TransferPolicy to be shown.

<ITEM_TYPE> in the examples below is the full type of the asset.

Example Kiosk SDK

import { lock } from '@mysten/kiosk';

const tx = new TransactionBuilder();

let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let kioskOwnerCapArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let transferPolicyArg = tx.object('<ID>');

lock(tx, '<ITEM_TYPE>', kioskArg, kioskOwnerCapArg, transferPolicyArg, itemArg);

Example PTB

const tx = new TransactionBuilder();

let kioskArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let kioskOwnerCapArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let itemArg = tx.object('<ID>');
let transferPolicyArg = tx.object('<ID>');

    target: '0x2::kiosk::lock',
    arguments: [ kioskArg, kioskOwnerCapArg, transferPolicyArg, itemArg ],
    typeArguments: [ '<ITEM_TYPE>' ]

Example CLI

sui client call \
    --package 0x2 \
    --module kiosk \
    --function lock \
    --args "<KIOSK_ID>" "<CAP_ID>" "<TRANSFER_POLICY_ID>" "<ITEM_ID>" \
    --type-args "<ITEM_TYPE>" \
    --gas-budget 1000000000